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Partnership policies

Editorial Policy

Kūhaku Media as a news and media organization shall inform its shareholders and future partners on its editorial policy.

  • Members and outside parties through the submission of a grievance recommendation have a right to propose content ideas or suggestions with the organization head or the manager deciding its fate.

  • Kūhaku Media can accept partnerships in the scope of university events that are classified as gatherings and anime, online gaming, art, idol, and cosplay conventions. Other forms of coverage will be placed under an approval queue.

  • Kūhaku Media has a right to fact check sources and provide additional context for its stories

  • Outside parties can reach out to Kūhaku Media's social pages or through its email, to point out possible errors in the posted content. Following the correction, the correction done should be placed together with an erratum notice.

  • Kūhaku Media shall not publish stories that depict pure discrimination, harassment, or actions that are non-legal under Philippine Law.

  • Kūhaku Media may accept sponsorships or partnerships as long as it does not affect the freedom of its content.

  • Posts from sponsors or partners which are posted on Kūhaku Media's native page shall be labeled with a sponsored tag.

  • Kūhaku Media members are free to express their own opinions and stands as long as they don't use Kūhaku Media as a platform to voice their own personal opinions.

  • Kūhaku Media's responsibility only covers the publicity and coverage of the event, any faults of the partner organization shall not be shouldered to us.

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